My Babies

My Babies

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A smile goes a long way in the world we live in today

Yesterday I went to the grocery store for my parents and my in-laws.  With the "shelter-in" put in place this week for our area due to this corona virus my husband and I think it is for the best we shop for them.  They were agreeable....miracles do happen!  Both sets are very independent.  But as I went to three different stores to get what they needed I saw so many people with scared looks on their faces.  Some were in masks and gloves.  Some would not even look up and scurried through the stores quickly.  But every chance I got....I smiled at people.  Said, hello.  Most, if not all smiled back or were already smiling at me.  Most spoke back.  A smile.  It says a lot.  It says....we're okay.  I see you.  You are not my enemy.  I am not your enemy.  Smiles.  I did see the occasional person putting as much as they could in their carts.  I saw you "sugar hoarder".  Take not twenty-one.  This hoarding of paper goods, meat, eggs, cereal is ridiculous.  People are scared.  One cashier asked my aunt if she thought all this was because of the aliens.  My aunt was so taken aback she just , "no." and left the store.  I spoke with a woman at the store who agreed with me.  All a sign of the end times.  Just one of many that are here and are coming.  Is Jesus coming back today?  Tomorrow?  I don't know.  But He is.  He is.  In the mean time.  Smile.  Don't be mean.  Be kind.  Gracious.  Humble.  Sweet.  Forgiving.  One lady last week when things were sort of out of control gave me the last pack of toilet paper.  It was for my parents I told her.  She smiled and said, "take it, I don't really need it".  Was she an angel I was unaware of?  They are all around us.  More so at this time, I think.  Testing our hearts.  Seeing if we will show the kindness of the Savior or our own selfish hearts to this scared world.  During this whole event for the next while is the best opportunity to show the light of Jesus to this dark world.  Check on your neighbor.  Drop off groceries to a shut-in.  Ask that young mama if she needs diapers, formula...a break.  Help out with homeschooling your grandkids if you can.  But mostly .... pray and smile.  God is on the throne and He is in control.

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