My Babies

My Babies

Sunday, May 5, 2019

He Calls....But We Answer

Lately I have some discussion about the issues concerning Calvinism in out church body.  This is a hard to explain issue in a small blog post.  Do I believe this way?  No.  Is this just a "rib" issue and not a "spine" issue of our church?  No.  It is a big deal.  To me it is a false doctrine and a false teaching as I read and understand the Word of God.  But Praise God there are more educated, more eloquent and just plain out better at explaining this issue than me.

I love Greg Laurie and his ministry.  He explains this better than I ever could in a million years.  God and only God calls us to Him but we answer.  I wish that all would say YES! but the Bible tells me that many will not and they will go to a Christless hell.  That breaks my heart.  I have family members that do not know the Lord as their savior and that also breaks my heart.  Do I believe that they stand no chance?  No way.  As long as they are breathing their is hope.  My hope is that when the Holy Spirit whispers that call to them they will respond with a sweet, sweet Yes.

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