My Babies

My Babies

Friday, May 10, 2019

Abram....6 Months already!!

I just cannot believe that you are already 6 months old Abram!!  Time just goes so very fast!  Not since Piper have i had the joy and privilege of keeping a grandbaby a few days a week.  I watched her everyday after I got off of work and throughout the summer for right at two years.  Then her mommy got the chance to stay home when Savannah was born.  So watching you and your brother is a real treat for me.  Finley goes to preschool two of those days so i get you all by myself for a little bit which I just truly relish.  You, little man, are such a joy!  You are by far the happiest and easiest of all five of my grandbabies and they were all such sweeties.  You never ever cry.  You smile all the time.  You eat great, sleep great and are super easy to entertain.  Nothing seems to phase you!  You love everyone who looks at you and they just oooh and ahhh over you and those big blue eyes you have.  Right now you weigh 20 lbs and are getting super chunky which I love.  You have two bottom teeth and are cutting some more.  You love fruits and so far all vegetables you have tried.  Not at all picky.  You love your bath and are rolling over.  You still need some help with sitting up but you are getting there.  All I know is you are just growing way too fast.  Getting the chance to love on my grandchildren while they are little is a huge blessing for me.  I know one day soon they will be consumed with ball and swim teams and school work and all the things that keep them busy.  But for a little while spending time with them is big for me.  I so desperately want to leave good memories for them and have them look back when they are all grown and I am gone and say,"My Mimi told me this or that" and say it with a smile.  Mostly I want them to know that I loved Jesus and that Jesus is the only thing that truly matters.  I sing songs to them about Jesus.  We pray together and talk of church and the Bible.  Having them to decide to follow Jesus is what i desire most.  To know that I will spend eternity with my children, husband and grandchildren is such a comfort in this sad world we live in.  But....this world is not our it?  Now, on to some cutie pie photos of Abram and of course....Mr. Beaver.

Hey Buddy...Here she comes with big, black, flashy thing!!  Let me hide you!

What!!!  No way Mr. Beaver....I was born for the camera.  Mimi says I am a natural!

Get over here and I will show you what to do.  It's super easy and fun.  If you smile it's over quicker too!  Abram....Beavers do not smile.  Ever.

See?  Lean over a little bit and turn your head just so and BAM!!  You are a star!

Nope!  I'm just gonna play dead buddy.  If you were smart you would start wailing and crying and she would quit!  Or just fall down and play dead like me!

Oh, Mr.'re so funny.  When she gets done I get kisses and hugs.  You get put back in a box!  Who's the smart one!!?

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