My Babies

My Babies

Monday, August 4, 2008


Who out there likes to wait? I honestly cannot think of one person who truly enjoys the act of waiting. Today I am waiting for my youngest daughter to return home from a weekend trip to visit an aunt and this day is just dragging out so long. I also have been waiting for many other things in the last bit. Waiting in line at the grocery store on North Carolina's tax free weekend. Big mistake on that one! You only get a tax break on school supplies, clothes, etc... but not groceries. I am also waiting (not always patiently) on the Lord for some very big prayers that I have been praying. Some for years. It seems when I reach my absolute edge somehow the Lord reaches down and sends me either a song or verse in a devotional or a card will come. Just some little thing to lift me up. So precious. Then I get all weepy and pray harder and longer. Yesterday was an exceptional anxious day and I blew it....bigtime. So when I got up this morning and later checked my email a sweet dear friend I have not spoke to in a few weeks sent me a message. She said I came to her mind as her feet hit the floor and she prayed right away for me. How good is God? That, sweeties is a new mercy each day.

Bless Y'all


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