My Babies

My Babies

Friday, July 25, 2008

Two Vacations

I am back from a glorious week at the beach! Beautiful weather, sun, sand everything relaxing you can ask for! This was my first vacation. My mother and I went to spend a week at the beach together. My two daughters and niece came down for 4 days and we had a blast with them. Young adults ( they are 22, 21 and almost 20 years old) can be so fun. On our first day we unloaded bought a few groceries threw on some suits and hit the beach around 4 o'clock. As we walked we came up on a wedding that was just too precious. Lots of people were stopping to watch so we did too. The bridal party was very casual but the bride and groom were dressed so beautiful. They looked about 12 years old. So young and scared looking but very much in love. I am guessing they were right out of high school. the pastor performing the ceremony was very serious as he charged this young couple with all the wedding vows and Biblical principals. They bowed in prayer many times and I prayed very hard for this young couple. Marriage is no day at the beach alot of the time. They sealed their union with a sweet kiss and I saw the bride's daddy wiping tears from his eyes. Made me wipe a few of my own! The week flew by. Each day brought it's own episodes of family life that makes you think back when your own kids were small or to think ahead to grandbabies. I thought and reflected on many things and had many conversations with God. On the last night mom and I took another walk and came upon a second wedding. This one was more was more casual and laid back but just as sweet. This couple was also very young. In todays scary world I pray that these two families hold tight and stay strong...together. We headed for home the next morning refreshed and renewed.
Now for my second vacation. This week at church has been Vacation Bible School. I love VBS. All the kids are running around and singing and are just so alive! I had signed up for anything but crafts. I do not like crafts. Frankly, I am severely allergic to glue, construction paper, stickers and the like. ICK!! I was asked to work in the prayer room Tuesday through Friday. I was so excited. This was something new and I wanted to be so prepared. On Monday I helped with registration and then asked who needed help. Where did I get put? Preschool ....... crafts. There is nothing like 58 3 and 4 year olds. Most do not even speak English. But they were sweet and did do a good job with their sunvisors. The next day I prayed that morning that the Lord would use me in the prayer room and give me the words to say. When I got there I was the only who showed up for this area. I was a little nervous but I big deal? Right? I have never been so humbled. 33 little children came to the prayer room that day. The Lord is just so good and perfect. I had exactly 33 Bibles to give out laying on my shelf. One little boy looked up after we prayed and asked, "Does this mean I am God's forever?" Just so precious. The rest of the week I marched myself down to the craft room and helped where I was needed. Whether I like crafts or not, God must because it brings so many coming to Him.

Bless y'all!


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