My Babies

My Babies

Friday, July 11, 2008

One of my favorite things...

Tomorrow I am leaving for one of my favorite places. The beach. Living in the beautiful state of North Carolina I am fortunate to have mountains and coast within a few hours travel for me. Each year though I head straight to the beach. I simply love nothing more than the salty air, the bigness of the water, the sunrise that sets the water on fire. Truly wondrous. For at least 22 years this annual trip has been a girls getaway. Beginning with my mother, my sister, grandmother, 3 aunts, 5 of my cousins and sometimes a girlfriend of one or two. All girls. This year it has dwindled down to mom and me. My 2 girls and my neice are coming down for 3 days but as young adults they have busy lives. How I miss the whole gang. My precious grandmother is in heaven now and my aunts are unable to go any longer. So I am treasuring this sweet time with my own mother. She is one of my closest friends now in my life. We see each other daily and I am so thankful to God for her in my life. She truly is a treasure. I pray that when my own girls are married and have me some grandbabies (yeah!!!) we can still go down as a group and have fun playing in the water and on the shore. And of course do our all time favorite thing as a family of women...people watch. My husband enjoys this too, but this is strictly a chick-trip! Sometimes you get quite an eyeful too! I will be sure to report back all my sights and hopefully insights. I plan on spending quite a bit of this time reflecting on paths that I feel God is leading me towards and praying about many decisions coming my way. I can't think of a better place to connect to Him than sitting on the beach and gazing at His handiwork.

Bless y'all


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