My Babies

My Babies

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Joy-Filled Noise

I just love to sing. I really do. I sing in the car, bathtub...everywhere. My only problem is I can't carry a tune even if it had a handle attached! Many, many times I have wished (and prayed) that I could sing. Really good too! I would sing in church every time I was asked and I would just be so excited to lift my voice up to the heavens. I am sure I would look up the whole time to make sure that God heard me loud and clear. But, I sing just awful. It never fails that I always sit in church around people that can sing. I feel like crawling in a hole when I see them look at me and smile. You know, "that smile". This morning in church the service was so good. The sermon touched my heart. It was on how we serve the LORD. Do we see it as a duty or a delight. Am I burdened by my walk with Jesus and do I really love being a Christian. After praying and really seeking the truth, I truly love and delight in the LORD. I love church, Bible studies, VBS all the things to do with church. I would love to sing in the choir too but... there is that one problem. I love having people in my home. Praying with co-workers. All that stuff. At the close of the service the musicians came back up and sang two songs that I love and that always make me cry. "I Surrender All" and "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". They are just so precious and have so much to say. God so desires and wants us to surrender all to Him. Not a little or half but all. No matter how tightly I have my fingers around it, He wants it. So precious. The second song is my life anthem. I am "prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love". That, is a new mercy we can have each day. God wants to take our hearts and seal them. Seal them to the courts above. Needless to say I sang my head off. I am sure that some people wondered, "Who is THAT"! But I was making a truly joyfilled noise. My friend, Tracy, tells me that one we will both sing in the choirs in heaven. She suffers the same affliction I do. That singing issue. She says that in heaven she will even direct the choir. Well, I am going to be in that choir and singing my head off straight to the LORD! Whew! I can't wait!

Bless Y'all

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