My Babies

My Babies

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sweet Summertime

Today was a really good day. Not perfect mind you, but real good. My oldest daughters' boyfriends little niece came over to my house to swim with us in our pool. She is 2 1/2 and just precious. She swam and ate popsicles and swam and ate abbles (apples) and a nanno (bananna) and swam. We picked flowers and then before that sweet baby left for home she sang me a concert. Complete with ta-das! and full curtsies. She sang "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "The ABC Song", I think one was "The Wheels On The Bus", that one was a little hard to understand but the tune fit. At the end she sang "Jesus Loves Me". But the part that brought tears to my eyes was with each "Me" in the song her little curly head looked up at the sky with the biggest grin you ever saw. My heart just melted as I watched her fully believe that Jesus was indeed looking at her and smiling and saying, "I sure do, honey." Why can't I throw back my head and sing as loud as I can that Jesus loves me. Am I so "adult" that I can't truly believe that He does? You can take it to the bank that Jesus does love me and you and you and you too!! The Bible (or Bivle, as this sweet little girl says) tells me so! Bless y'all!


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