Well....it has been a while for sure. No excuses offered....just life. A very full life. For which I am so very grateful. Since October a lot has happened. My sweet little Abram turned ONE!! And Brooks turned 5!!! Photos will follow. We had Thanksgiving and Christmas. Such fun family times. But since the holidays and the new year coming I have just been super busy. Each day has its own set of things, work, jobs and itineraries that just seem to consume me. That....needs to change. This week I lost a cousin. There are a great many of us cousins and growing up when we got together it was a huge event of running, playing and just adventures galore. This is the second cousin I have lost. The first one was to cancer when he was 46. So young. Mark was such a handsome guy. And when he passed I knew where he went because we knew that he knew Jesus. This cousin I just lost, Richie, was only 51. And tragically he lived a hard life. It was all his choice. And if I had to say where he was.....I would have to say he isn't with Jesus. Now no man truly knows the heart of another but our lives speak volumes. A friend told me last night that maybe at the last minute Richie called out to the Lord. I hope so....I truly do. It has made me rethink my witness to my family. That is where I drop the ball so often. Strangers are easy to witness to. But family?? Not so easy, at least for me. So I am praying that God opens doors for me to be a better witness to my family. To invite them more to my home, my church and the like.
I don't plan on staying away from this blog anymore either. Whether or not I am the only one whoever looks at it. It is a good way for me to look back and smile at my babies, shed a tear for the events that break my heart and just to remember.
Hey little buddy.....I guess I have to kiss you good-bye for our monthly photo shoot...Hope you aren't my last one!!
Oh, sweet Abram. this year has just flown by while we have watched you grow!
Let's just say...cake was a big hit with Abram!
Want some Mimi???

Pap-paws' little buddy right here!
Brooks turned 5!!! Let's just say his "women" will not need to fear that he will protect them!!!
This little super hero melts my heart!
Fun times with sweet babies!
My sweet mama turned 74....oh how she loves all her little "Grands"
Cookies for Santa....
The Christmas Story on Christmas Eve. They really do love this...even if Savannah doesn't look too thrilled!!
Presents galore!!!
And smiles galore too!!!
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