My Babies

My Babies

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

4 & 3 & 32

I am so behind in my posting it is not even funny.  In just a few days Abram will be 5 months old and I just can't believe it!  Speaking of not is my Erica's 32nd birthday.  32???  how is that even possible!!  Life just goes by so, so fast y'all.

First of all little Mr. Abram.

You weigh a whopping 18 pounds buddy and you are 27 3/4 inches long.  You are getting so big!  You can roll over and you smile most of the time.  You are cutting two teeth and they are almost poking through!  You are a great eater and you love sweet potatoes and bananas.  You sleep two really good naps a day and at least 12 hours at night.  As your mama says....You Rock!

Well, hello Mr. Abram!  It's so good to see you!  Uhhhh remind me who you are again??  I'm still kinda new here.

It's me!  Mr. Beaver!  I'm one of your biggest fans!  Oh Yeah!!  You are so cool Mr. Beaver!

But listen....don't get to close.  Every time you do Mimi starts that big black thing up that flashes in my eyes and just about blinds me.

Get used to that buddy...she loves snapping that thing.  Pretty soon you will be sitting up in your "man chair" eating bacon in your underwear!  Whaaat??  Are you kidding me!  That is too funny, man.  Just wait Abram.....

This will be you in about 3 years little buddy

And now on to Mr. Finley.  Besides eating bacon out of a bowl in his underwear you have many more talents.  You are obsessed with dinosaurs.  You know all their names and that is all you really want to play with.  You love fruit and bacon and milk.  And that is pretty much it.  You are in pre-school and you love it!  You are such a smart and funny little boy.  You love to sing and you love to sing church songs which thrills my soul.  We had you a birthday party a couple of weeks ago with of course....a dinosaur theme!'s a magic number!

Happy Birthday?  Sometimes parties are just a wee bit overwhelming!

But a cool velociraptor helmet that moves with your mouth would cheer up any guy!

A hug from baby Abram helps too!

All in all it was a super fun party!  Now on to my Erica.  How could this girl be 32?  When I look back you bring forth so many wonderful memories.  To look at you as a full grown woman, wife and mother and one that walks with the Lord....well mu heart swells and my eyes brim with tears.  What a beauty you are....inside and out!
Even though this was taken a couple of years ago I love this picture of my two girls with me.  What joy you all bring to my life.  Erica, I love you and I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life.  What a blessing!!

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