We have had a very busy last few days and they are not over yet! With my own daughters all grown up they have several family things to do over the Christmas season. We try hard to keep some traditions but with ever-changing families we always seem to have a new normal. My niece had a birthday dinner on the 23rd for my mother. She turned 69 this year. We had a big Italian feast that was fantastic. But sweet Megan and Thad did not get to come because that is his family's Christmas dinner.
Piper could not wait to show Grammy and Paw the card she signed. She wrote her name all over it!
One of the gifts we made for mom was a Memory Box. We each wrote down a favorite memory of Mom. Even the two grand daughters that could not make it, Megan and Mariah. It was so sweet. She loved it too.
On Christmas Eve for the past three years we have made cookies for Santa with my grandchildren. Megan could not come to this either but they have changed some of their schedule and next year they are not missing it! This year we added making a birthday cake for Jesus. I let Piper pick out what kind we should make for Jesus. She chose a white cake with chocolate frosting. We just made a box mix and canned frosting because it is quick and good! I bought those sugar letters so she could spell out Happy Birthday Jesus on it.
Unfortunately she tried to pick up the cake plate and dropped the whole thing on the floor. she was SO upset.....but after we dried her tears we told her Jesus loves cookies too so we made birthday cookies for Jesus. So then it was time to start making sugar cookie dough. Now my little Piper loves to cook and to bake. Loves. She is always cooking and baking and stirring and playing with kitchen stuff. Savannah is starting to like it too. One is an orderly cook with precision and structure. One is a little (ok...a lot) messy, disorderly and 100% unstructured in her cookie making. I will let you guess which is which......
Blake enjoys baking and cooking too. See how neat these two are???
Starting her cookie cutter at the edge to use her dough efficiently....
Hey!! what you two doin??? I wanna help! I like cookin'!
OK, Savannah...you put your cookie cutter up at the top and work your way down...
Uh....No way y'all. I am too short to reach that dough so here I come cookie cutters.
Piper didn't mind that this little helper just jumped on the counter to help cut out these cookies so why should anyone else.... they are only little once!
I know it's messy but I just love this shot. Savannah was just so cute and so unhampered by flour, sugars and anything else that got in her way. So precious!
Now, can you guess who is Miss Precision?????
Or who is little Miss Unconventional????
Hey Mimi...can I just suck this stuff right out of the tube...it tastes great! Then she did...
Piper is unfazed by Savannah's shenanigans. Unfazed...
What??? Don't y'all hang your panties on the faucet while you get a sink bath??? I just adore this little girl. She is just a big ole bundle of fun....All. The. Time!
On Christmas morning we have brunch at my mom and dad's house. Then we all kind of part ways in the afternoon to either nap or go to other family functions. We do open presents at my parents for just the little kids. We big kids have everything we could ever need and most of what we want. Christmas is so much more than presents. It is the Birth of the Savior of the World.
But we did get some new stuff too!
Including some baby dolls and animal care sets.
Daddy and his grand girls, great grand girls and great grandson!
Brooks was a little overwhelmed at all the noise and clutter! Get used to it, sugar!
Of course we got all things "Frozen"! Thad was super pumped about that!
Tonight my girls and husbands and babies are coming over for supper and to exchange gifts here. I am cooking a special supper for them and looking forward to a great night with all my kids. Christmas is about family. I am just so glad to have mine near so I can love on them. God is so gracious and has blessed us so much. I am thankful for the chance to celebrate His birth with my children.
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