My Babies

My Babies

Monday, April 28, 2014

Breaking out the pool

This weekend was so sunny and so warm.  It made me long for summertime in a big way.  It was so warm that I hauled out the old baby pool.  And by old, I mean o-l-d.  I bought this thing for Erica's second birthday 25 years ago!!!  I paid 20.00 for it then and it has been worth every single penny.  Best Little Tykes investment ever.  I still have Megan's Little Tykes Johns Deere tractor and wagon set plus I have Erica's Little Tykes motorcycle.  You really cannot wear their stuff out.  It is so good and lasts forever.  Piper and Savannah both love the water so I hauled about four 5 gallon buckets of hot water out of the house and cooled it off with the water hose and they were all set to swim and play.  I am so happy my grand girls are the outside types.  I am not a fan of little house-mouses.  Kids need to go and play outside.  To get filthy dirty in creeks, to roll down hills, to stare up at clouds and make shapes, to run, to catch lightning bugs and just observe the wonderful world that God gave us to care for and to enjoy!  At one point a little leopard frog hopped past us and I picked him up a let him swim a little bit with the girls.  They are not froggy fans.  But by the end of summer I will see that particular idea fades away.  Frogs are our friends I told them and swimming with them is so much fun.  When Erica, Megan and Brittany were all little they used to put bullfrogs on their heads and see who could swim the farthest before their frog hopped off.  Plus they would fill their bathing suits up with frogs so they could hear them peep!  Maybe my girls were a little weird??  But they did have fun!

On Saturday I got the pool out and as you can see Piper was jumping with excitement!

I did manage to get one shot of them both looking at me.  It was a miracle I tell ya!


Savannah is such a little sweetie!

Piper spent the majority of both days jumping instead of swimming!!

More jumping and sliding.  Such a fun day!

Hi are the best Mimi ever....  At least this is what I say she is saying in this picture!!!

Cowabunga dudes!!!  Do they still say that???

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