My Babies

My Babies

Friday, January 15, 2016

It's Not Goodbye

Today I said, "See ya later" to my dearest friend and sister...Kelley.  She and her husband Billy sold a ton of their belongings and are moving to the mountains.  They have a small cabin there that is just peaceful and perfect for two.  Billy retired a week ago and they have been planning and praying about this for a very long time.  For the first two months they are going to be with their children and grandchildren in Pennsylvania and Ohio.  So to say that I am laying on the floor in a fetal position wailing is a slight understatement.  I am so very sad.  I know this is what the Lord has for them and there is a new and exciting ministry for them in the mountains is all about me....isn't it??  I told her I was fine and she cried.  She said, "Don't cry" so I started crying.  We hugged and cried and hugged.  Then she gave me her pot lids.  She totally forgot to take them to the cabin so she has to come back to my house and get them.  What a great plan!!! She is coming back home (yes, this is her home she says) for our birthdays.  They are just two days apart and I have never looked forward to a birthday more.  I really just cannot put into words what she means to me.  I have dated her and Billy for about five years now and this is just like a horrible break-up.  She has been my partner in crime (literally....I will explain that someday...maybe) my confidant, my complete and utter listener when I am ranting, my sister in every since of the word, my prayer partner, my traveling buddy, my TV partner with shows like The Voice, The Walking Dead, American Idol and a few others.  We read the same books.  Do the same Bible Studies.  We think alike.  We both love the same stuff/  We spent many hours floating in my pool just talking and talking and talking.  WE both promise that we are going to call and text each other every single day.  And you know what???  We will.  Because you see, this is not a real good-bye.  It is just a see ya later.  The best part is....we get to spend eternity together.  I am just sure as I can be that in heaven our houses will be side by side.  We will live in a neighborhood that houses Sandra, Angie, Tracy, Brenda, Sherry, Heidi, Ellen and a slew of others that we just love to pieces.  I believe with all my heart that God loves us all that much.  To stick us together in heaven so we can worship Him together.  So this isn't really good-bye at all.

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