Merry Christmas....two days late! Each year I promise myself that I am going to slow down and really enjoy Christmas. Do I do that??? Not really. I love Christmas and all that it means (really, means) but I seem to go at a pace that would make a nascar driver blink twice. Yep, that fast. I did take a zillion photos but I have yet to edit one. I did have the first Christmas with my sweet guy and it was just wonderful. We managed to spend Christmas day night together all by ourselves and it was very nice. He came over for all the flurry of Christmas eve at my house I went and spent Christmas lunch with his family and after everybody was visited, gifted, fed and thoroughly talked too....we just kind of slipped away. Nice. Quiet. Peaceful. It really is so nice to not have tension so thick that you can see it hanging in the air. I flat out believe that God never intends for His children to live like that. Is that in scripture verbatim?? No...but He brings rest, peace, and tells us to cast all anxieties on Him. We baked cookies, had children's programs, told stories and played like wild things. My grandgirls got stand-up microphones and let's just future Whitney's, Mariah's, Carrie Underwoods or any other famous singers have graced our families...again. But do they love to sing as loud as they can with a microphone shoved in their mouth (literally)??? Yes ma'am they do! Megan is growing and glowing like newest little grandson is going to be so loved it is just crazy. I can't wait to meet him. Can't wait! Here is a look of the things that we have been doing ...
This little angel snuck a stuffed sheep on the stage
Then she proceeded to show all the other angels that she had sparkly tights on under her "holy robes"
While Miss Piper, the lead angel, hence the gold wings and halo sang her heart out!
Then she tells the cutest Mary ever that she just better not be afraid. Then Mary said, "ok."
Then it was cookie time!
Rolling out the dough with my great-grandmothers rolling pin.
Hey Mimi!! I will just sit here and eat my goldfish.
Can you tell she is excited?? Can you??!!
Who needs a rolling pin when you have elbows?!
Who knew elbows flattened out dough like nobody's business?
Blake....the ultimate cookie decorator.
Merry Christmas guys!!! Santa's cookies are almost ready!
My sweet Megan....she is just such a sweetie.
I took a million, zillion more but this post is long enough. May the joy of Christmas fill your heart and life as we look forward to a new year with all sorts of things that God has for each one of us....may we be willing and obedient to His will.
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