My Babies

My Babies

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Future Soccer Star???

Today was Piper's very first soccer game.  I thought she did fantastic.  She stayed on the field, did not pick the ball up with her hands, did not cry to quit, watched and listened to her coach and said she had fun.  World we come!!  This really is a great activity to build skills for other future things like T-Ball ( my fave!!), softball, basketball, cheerleading and just team things.  Of course I took my camera.....I, you see, am no amateur.

Warming up....Is she not the cutest??

What a stance!  People, she is ready to take on Brazil.

Uh...Mimi, I just want to have fun and then a snack....OK?

My favorite part....praying before the game with the other team and holding hands.  So sweet!!

Ok....I am pumped and ready to play!

Here I go....ready to score some goals!

Did I score, Mimi??  Did I!!??  Not really sweetie, the other team did though!

Well, that's ok....Can I have a snack now??

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