My Babies

My Babies

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A teeny-tiny peek.....

Last night my sweet friend, Tracy, and I went to see Chris Tomlin in concert.  So good!!!  He is one of our favorites in the Christian singing world.  Such a cutie-pie and such a worshipful singer.  The concert was wonderful.  Everyone was singing their heads off.  Tracy and I are both similar in our observing skills (among other things) and we were both people-watching.  On my left were two teenage boys.  One was a little standoffish and a little self conscious.  Probably about 14 years old.  the other one was right beside me.  He was so sweet.  He offered me a bite of his nachos!!  He sang and worshipped Jesus with pure abandon.  I often heard him say, "Thank you, Jesus,  Thank you"  So sweet.  On Tracy's right was a guy who sat in the "football" stance.  Poor thing had some crutches so he really could nor help but squish Tracy a little.  Four seats to my left were two young men.  To say they were handsome was an understatement.  Both were really good looking guys.  The really ministered to me by their praise and worship.  Such a real joy to watch.  Completely unashamed to keep their hands up.  Sing loudly.  One of them wept openly while singing.  They raised their hands when Chris asked if anyone was involved in youth ministry.  I need to really be praying for Godly young men to help lead in this world.  Such a difficult time we live in but last night showed me one thing.  God reigns.  He Reigns!  All those people together.  White people, black people, Asians, young, old, really old!, men, women....all of them worshipping together.  I really believe that events like that.  Where you truly feel the Holy Spirit in the room are little glimpses of heaven.  Where worship is not something we go to or something we do....but something we are.  The angels in heaven are right now singing "Holy, holy, holy".  All the time to God.  Since there is no time in heaven it is just constant.  Never-ending.  Unspeakable joy.  Chris Tomlin's songs are really so full of God's Word.  The concert was like a continual reading of God's Word set to music.  That teeny-tiny peek of heaven just did my weary heart something so good.

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