My Babies

My Babies

Friday, May 27, 2011


Let's face it. I do not have a green thumb. I adore flowers and I have always planted pots full and filled up my flower beds but I neglect them terribly. I prefer to let God water them than to fill a watering can or wield a water hose. I never dig up my bulbs or separate my hostas or even empty the old dirt from the pots. A few years ago I bought some really pretty lillies at Lowe's Home Improvement and when they died down in the fall I just stacked the dirt filled pots at the corner of the house behind a holly tree. And lo and behold the next spring they grew out of those pots. I was thrilled. Then fall came again and I thought they were dead and once again I threw the pots behind the tree. A few weeks ago I got them out and those sweet lillies had sprouted up again. No water, freezing temperatures, major neglect. I stuck them on my back steps and they have really grown. And blossomed! Take a look.

I love the red color and if you look very close and click on the photo you can see ants crawling on the petals. I hate ants. They are evil.

They are so pretty and to think what a life of neglect they have lived!

If you think about life and all the analogies we can make. We humans are like flowers. We can be disregarded, abused, forgotten, left unattended, thrown away...and yet we can still blossom. We can still lift our faces up to the Son and drink in His living water and thrive. We can bathe in His attention and His tender care and grow. Isn't that amazing?? How God can take a hurt, lonely, neglected little flower of a person and nurture them into a strong and thriving child of God. No ants allowed.

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