My Babies

My Babies

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekend Recap

Hey Y'all,

This past weekend was my 45th birthday. I am now halfway to 90! Yippee!! I honestly don't want to live that long but if I remain healthy and get even more quirky I'll stick around , Good Lord willing. Below are some pictures of my Erica and her little...drumroll please........Avocado Baby! That is what he/she is the size of this week. Next week it will be an onion. She is looking so cute! We took a couple in my mom's "Doll Room". There are about 15 dolls that my mother has either bought or made placed all over that room. She is very crafty and has made dozens of dolls. All those eyes looking at you is a little creepy. Most of us don't like to spend a lot of time in there because one of them is always looking at you and makes you wig out a little. For my birthday my mother cooked a great meal from Ree Drummond's Book, "The Pioneer Woman Cooks." I love her blog and website. It is the coolest. Erica made a peach pie and my mom made a chocolate pie for my birthday. I am very fond of pie and really do not like birthday cake so I was thrilled. My sister and I were finally not the same age and she rubs it in hard. We are only 10 months apart. How is that for close! Megan gave me the sweetest card that really made me cry but I ducked my head so she couldn't see my tears. This has been a tough year and it looks like it is just going to get tougher. But God is good and gracious and He is my portion. I know He will get me through this fiery trial. I may come out with a few scars but that's okay. I am just focusing on one day at a time and one rocky place at a time. You know I just realized the rougher the mountain is the easier the climb. It might be more treacherous and have many slips and possible falls but it requires constant attention and definite help along the way. I can't climb a smooth mountain. There are no cracks or holes or anything to grab maybe the Hand of God??? So maybe I am looking at my problems and issues in the wrong light. The rougher it is right now then the more attention I need to pay to the climb and the next rock to grab. God is just know? The rest of the weekend was kind of a blur. I worked all day at school Friday and then until 9:30 at the restaurant. I worked at home Saturday morning and from 1:00 to 9:30 at the restaurant that evening. Sunday was church and it was very good. The praise music was great and I couldn't help but cry. Then that evening my birthday dinner. Here are some pictures from my mom's house.

Here Erica and I are in my Mom's Doll Room. Isn't she so cute?!

Erica in her 16th week.

Erica really hates pictures but I told her she will thank me later. This is in my mom's "creepy" Doll Room. They kind of freak us all out a little.

The future parents of my sweet Avocado Baby!

Bless Y'all


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