My Babies

My Babies

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Cowboy Rides Away

Last Thursday night my friend, Debbie, called me very late.  9:30 in the pm people!!  Scared me silly.  But really, it did alarm me a little because she goes to bed early and so do I and usually I would be in the bed but I was just washing my face and brushing my teeth.  I live for the adrenalin baby!  When I answered the phone she asked me if I had plans for Saturday night.  After I checked my social book...which is nonexistent...I said nope, what's up??  Then Debbie said wonderful, miraculous words, "My husband said if I could get a friend to go with me he would pay for her ticket to go see George Strait!!!"   BAM!  Did you hear that??  I fainted again.  Now I love and I mean LOVE George Strait.  I own almost every CD he has put out and seen him sing several times.  There are no flares or flames or fireworks or light shows.  Just George and his band and his guitar.  Perfection.  He is just so cool and classy.  A real gentleman and a real cowboy too.  He waved at Debbie and me....I knew he wouldn't miss seeing us.  He closed his show with "The Cowboy Rides Away" and then he did.  So sad for all of these crazy fans.  He has a new grandson that he wants to teach to fish.  I so admire that.  I know exactly how it feels to want to be a huge chunk of little lives to teach and show how to do some things.  It was a great concert.  Really great.  What a blessing it is to have such great friends that you can share good times with and simple pleasures.

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