My Babies

My Babies

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Journeys and Seasons

This year has been quite the journey for me.  As I look at the calendar and I see that this month is almost halfway gone and next month is December.....well goodbye 2017.  What a year this has been.  I got married to the love of my life....yes, even at this late date.  What a God-send this man has been.  The changes that he has brought to my life are too numerous for me to even name.  I am overwhelmed by him daily.  Not just for the love, security, consistency and all the other wonderful emotions that come with him but also for just the things that he does for me.  He makes me coffee.  He brings it to me while I am getting ready.  He helps me make the bed.  Around the house.  He goes to the store with me.  There are also things that I no longer have to do.  For the first time in years I am not getting in wheelbarrows of wood in the house each day for my old wood stove.  Praise the Lord for that!!!  Anyway, I took some time off this year from teaching the Wednesday night Ladies Bible Study.  that was kinda nice to just be a participant and not a leader.  But last Wednesday i started back and I have really missed that.  We are doing the new Beth Moore, The Quest, and it is so good.  I am only on day 2 of my homework but it is fabulous.  A quest is much different than a journey by the way.  A quest is an investigative type mission of a journey or walk.  A journey is a meandering trip that gets you places.  Life is a journey.  Seasons of your life are journeys.  They can be quests too.  When things or issues need to be dealt with specifically but seasons of your life are journey based.  At least I think so.  Am I making any sense at all??  The season I am in right now is one I am enjoying immensely.  We don't have any children in my house and that is tons of weight off of our shoulders.  We aren't rich but we can pay our bills and have a very secure life and I am so grateful and thankful for that.  I have struggled financially in the past and it is a huge burden.  I know the Lord takes care of His children.  I trust Him on that completely....I have seen His hand all over my finances in the past.  I am just blessed right blessed.  We get to watch our grandbabies grow up and experience life and change and do all the fun things they do.  To watch their journey is such a privilege and one I hope to continue to contribute to.   I so desperately want all my grandchildren to remember us as loving and safe and fun.  But mostly I desire for them to remember that we loved the Lord.  I pray for them daily.  Nothing ....absolutely nothing makes me feel at peace than to know that my children are walking with God.  Journeying with Him.  Not running from Him.  Avoiding Him but walking with Him.  That is a journey we are all on right now.  Those that are His.  If you belong to Christ then you are on a journey with Him.  Sometimes the terrain is rocky and hard and sometimes it is a vast, flat plain.  Or a dry desert.  Been there....many times.  But on our journey with Jesus the best part is....He is always there.  When I am running from Him....He is there.  When I am hiding....He is looking.  We cannot escape Him.  I do not know why we ever try to!  Anyway,  this Bible Study is already teaching me great things and I am loving it.  This journey I am on and this season I am in.....I'm loving it too.

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