My Babies

My Babies

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Learning To Serve

This morning in church our Pastor preached on being a servant.  Serving is a hard word for us to relate to.  we all love to be served and we like it when others see us serve others.  But true servanthood is hard.  Doing the things that no one sees.  Filling in when needed for something we don't like or don't feel qualified to do.  We should not pick and choose our service to others because then let's face it....some stuff never would get picked.  Ideally their should not ever even be a need for people to jump in and do tasks.  But we all know that some people do tons of stuff and others do....well...nothing.  Why??  There are so many opportunities to serve the body of Christ and our local community that we could all find some place to serve.  But ultimately true servanthood begins within me.  Do I do things to be recognized and praised?  I hope I don't.  I really want to help and serve others out of love for them and for my savior, Jesus Christ.  He, alone, has given me the ability to do various things to serve others and if I don't use those abilities?  Well...that is really sin.  I have the same amount of time every other person has and what I do with it is up to me.  I go to work...I can serve there....I come home...I can serve there....I visit my parents, my kids, my in-laws...serving opportunities.  The Pastors' sermon really convicted me about m attitude towards serving.  Do I resent serving?  At times I do.  I'm tired for one thing.  I have lots of things on my plate right now.  But that really is no excuse.  I need to reorganize my time and my priorities and then I can be a better servant. Now we cannot serve everyone all the time and that is what makes the body of Christ so great.  If we all serve in some capacity we will get the job done.  At times we all need to be different parts of the body.  Sometimes you may be the hands and feet of Him. You will do the leg work.  Another time you may be the heart of Him and just pray.  Other times you may shoulders of Him and bear some heavy weight.  But we all can be something of Him.  Servanthood??  I'm still learning.

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