My Babies

My Babies

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Where is this summer going????

So far on my super long list of home projects I have actually completed some.  I have finished repainting Megan's old bedroom from "Barney Purple" to a soft blue and moved Erica's old bedroom suite back into that room for a real guest room.  It looks very nice if i say so myself.  I am about halfway done ripping the straight from the pit of hell wallpaper border down from the bathroom walls.  Can I just say I HATE WALLPAPER!!!  I have said that about 287403359 times this summer in the span of just a few short weeks.  When I get that room done I will sing the Hallelujah Chorus from my rooftop so that the whole world will know that this has been a major accomplishment for the women who rocked home improvements in the 80's and thought they were really doing something classy.....  Wallpaper is not classy.  Not.  I have also painted a bookshelf with some really nice gray chalk paint.  It turned out well and I am currently working on two old wooden highchairs in a "poppy" colored chalk paint.  I am taking some before and after pictures of some of these projects.  I am really just so busy that I hardly have time to do much of anything though.  I have been able to spend oodles of time with my little sweetie pie grand girls and with my own two girls and I am loving that.  I also have spent quite a bit of time with Brittany and that has been fun too.  I can't wait for her little baby Kyra to get here...being a great aunt will be super fun too!  I also have taken my mama twice for cataract surgery.  that, friends and neighbors, is not a lot of fun.  My mama is great and has done really well but both times the waiting room has been slammed with all these really, really old people with tremendous health problems.  I just look at my sweet mama and say, "When did you get old???"  I am so glad that my mama does not go into the surgical eye center on a walker or in a wheelchair or with a Wal-mart bag full of different prescription bottles for the nurses to write down her medications.  she doesn't take any.  Well except for her "stomach" pill which she insists I call it instead of it's professional medical name of Zantac.  She whispers it like it is bought on the street from a drug lord.  She just had her second eye done this past Wednesday and is doing just fine.  She is so funny though.  Both my parents are really, really funny.  I look at them and I promise you that they do not look old nor do they act old.  They are very active and hip and independent and well have more to talk about than their health problems.  That is something that bugs the tarnation out of both of my parents.  there is more to life than your personal health problems.  I mean let's face one really wants to hear about your last bout of diarrhea or how your teeth don't fit or how your feet swell or how doc so-and-so done changed yer medicine again and now you need an extry hole in yer dial-a pill.....  Anyway, the summer is flying by and I still have lots to do.  Painting, cleaning,a beach trip (I am foaming at the mouth over this) and a pile of other hobbies I got a cookin' too.

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