My Babies

My Babies

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Brrrr...It's winter, baby!!

We had an official snow day today and we have no school tomorrow.    moment of silence       Okey dokey, I for one am thanking the good Lord above for these two days.  Yes, I know we will have to make them up but I do not care people!!  What do I do on snow days???  Oh my goodness do I stay busy.  First of all I get up and wear my pajamas all day long.  Then I do not I repeat...comb or even wash my hair.  Crazy..huh??  Then I proceed to set up at least three or four different spots in my house to do some kind of craft, project or some other thing that I never have any time for unless I have a snow day.  Do I actually do these crafty type projects???  Oh no..I just leave them sitting around until A:) someone is coming over, B:) I get the clean-up-my-house virus (this rarely happens) or C:) I actually do finish the project.  If the answer is C...well balloons and streamers come out and I feel super good about myself.  For the most part on these snow days I eat.  I eat like I am going into hibernation for 8 months with a clan of hungry grizzly bears.  What is it about snowy, cold days that make you want to eat everything in your house in a matter of three hours???  Then of course I do what is probably the most fun....I nap.  Lazy, long naps on the couch.  The kind where I wrap up in a snugly afghan and totally zonk out.  It is so cold outside and the roads are really yucky that I have no concerns or fears that I will have surprise company so I just laze around all day.  Do I feel guilty??/  Nope...not in the least.  It is not like I do this every single day.  Just occasionally.  And Praise Jesus....I get to do it again tomorrow.  Maybe I will venture out and take some pretty snow pictures.  It is a very pretty snow even if we did not get very much.  But consider we live in the south and there is a national "Bread and Milk Alert", I feel justified in my choices to do as little as possible.  I have bread and milk so I am good to go.  But seriously, our neighbors to the more southern states are in a real pickle.  Atlanta is just a mess and God bless all those teachers in Georgia and Alabama and the like who stayed all night with the kids at schools where their parents just could not go and get them due to the weather.  God Bless our Teachers!  They are real heroes for the most part. So for now I am going to sit back and watch tv with my hair all sticking up and wearing my yoga pants and t-shirt while eating my supper of pancakes with a big ole glass of milk.  Hibernation here I come cause it sure is wintertime, baby!

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