My Babies

My Babies

Friday, June 21, 2013

What we women....endure

Today was a real fine day.  First day of summer.  My favorite season.  I shopped for bridal shower foods for Sunday and Megan's "big" shower!  She is very excited about this shower.  I came home and swam with my grand babies and a dear friend , Cathy, and her daughter Anna came over to float around the pool with us.  We went next door to my parents and they played with the great grand babies and swan some more.  Fun stuff. knew there was one didn't you????  This morning I went for my yearly mammogram.  I do not have any breast issues and there is no strong family history of breast cancer so this is just a routine thing for me.  But still it is something that we as women endure.  Other than those four words we all cringe at...."Can you scoot down"???? I think the words, "Can you place your left (or right) breast on the plate, dear?" are just as cringeful.  I know no other place in the world where I stand with my capris and shoes on topless and carry on a conversation with a 14 year old tech that says "Now, honey, hold your bray-eth" while I stand in a position that a contortionist would envy.  Oh, what we women endure.  I am just thankful that the techs at the breast clinic are all women.  It is horrifying enough to have your "lady" doctor to be a man but please Lord above not my mammogram tech person!!  I know, I know that there are perfectly good female doctors of that persuasion but I am not one for change and I will switch when my doctor keels over or I do!!  While on this fascinating subject., I caught myself doing the dumbest thing while there today.  I hid my bra under my shirt so no one would see it.  Why????  I am standing completely naked from the waist up and I am worried about my bra being seen!  I also hide my panties at the gynecologists office in the bathroom.  Lord-ah-mercy he should not ever know that I wear panties!!!  If you think about all the stuff we women endure for our health it really makes you cry or laugh hysterically.  which when you do start laughing hysterically someone will look at you weird and whisper to her friend, "I think she needs some medication from her doctor, don't you? I mean, look at hysterical the poor thing is!"  I mean if you think about all the stuff we have to describe to our doctors.  I think next time I go I will just hand them a sheet of paper with all my symptoms and questions written down while I place a big ole paper bag over my head.  I'll bring two paper bags to the visit.  In the other one I will place my bra and panties in it to hide them really good.

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