My Babies

My Babies

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Four Months Old!!!

Yesterday my little Savannah was four months old.  I cannot believe how big she is getting.  Savannah, you weigh a little over 16 lbs. and are a little over 25 inches long.  You are a very healthy girl!!  You light up with a great big smile when you see your mama.  And you cry great big tears whenever you don't!!  Here are a few photos of you and the ever-faithful...Mr. Frog.

I am kinda nervous Mr. Frog.  Will you hold my hand?

You won't!!  Well, then I will hold my own hand thank you very much!

Oh, Mr. Frog you are so funny.  I didn't know frogs had no real hands.  Did you know that Mimi??

You did!!  Y'all are so funny!  Why did you not tell me?

I just love this little baby girl to pieces.  She is getting sweeter every single day.  She is getting a real personality too!

I love how her little eyes just disappear when she grins really big.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I thought at first she was Blake but in these pictures I see her mommy. I bet she will be a funny little girl, she has the happy face look....