My Babies

My Babies

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Giving Him the Glory

Hey Y'all

On Thursday my girl, Erica, had her weekly visit to her doctor's office. She always calls me when she is finished. This time it took her a little while and I was worried. When she called she was a tiny bit upset and asked to come over. Of course I said yes and asked why she was not going to work. Her blood pressure was pretty high and there was protein in her urine. The Dr. said to go home and rest and put her feet up. She was instructed to come back in the morning and to store her urine in a container in the fridge for 24 hours. Yuck! She was not a happy girl. The Dr. assured her she was fine and needed a little rest. I dispatched my prayer warriors right away. They are just the best group of girls ever. Period. She rested awhile and floated in the pool awhile. She went home and took a nap. The next day she went to the Dr. and her blood pressure was down but there was still a little protein in her urine. They drew some blood to test for pre-eclampsya. If it was positive they would induce her on Saturday. This scared her a little. Erica is still 3 weeks away from her due date but the Dr. assured her that the baby is technically full term and would be fine. Doctor's really like the word "Fine" don't they? Anyway, I asked my girls to pray again and Praise the Lord. Her blood was negative. I am giving God ALL this Glory because I know He worked in my girl's life in this matter. I don't why it is so hard to ask Him for things like this. He loves us and desires us to ask of Him to fulfill our needs. We are to cast our needs on Him. Cast means to throw them or to toss them. I so often just kind of lay something down but keep a finger on it. You know? But with this I truly asked my friends to pray. I prayed. Then I forgot about it. I swam with my daughter. Fixed us some lunch and enjoyed her company. Called her to check on her later but I trusted God with this whole issue. Glory, glory to Him.

Bless Y'all,


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