My Babies

My Babies

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Little "Squash Baby"

Hey Y'all,

Here are a couple of pictures from this past weekend that I took after church on Sunday. Blake and Erica's baby girl is now a "squash". when I first read that I thought about the yellow crookneck kind that I love to slice and fry up in the summer. I like to grill it and stew it but honey I love me some good ole fried squash! Yum-yum! But this is the kind of squash that is greenish-yellow and kind of round. A Summer Squash I suppose. I wonder if you can fry it?

Here are the sweet parents to be!

Megan, Erica and me. Just look at my girls. I do not know what was going on with that look on my face and I think I wore my glasses on my head all morning which explains the hair. Megan was complaining that her hair was in her face. I think they are beautiful.

Here is a better look at "summer". At least that is what I will call her for the next couple of weeks.

Blake and Erica have chosen a name for the baby but Erica doesn't want a lot of people to know what they have chosen. I, for one, love the name they chose. It is so perfect for their family. I will be sure to keep my four faithful readers updated!!

Bless Y'all,


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