My Babies

My Babies

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How Good is God?

Hey Y'all,

This has been a tough weekend at my house. Tough. I have been so sore this is the first time I could really sit down without crying to even type. I dropped a dollar last night at the restaurant and if it had not been some old man's change I would have left it on the floor. I needed his walker to help me get back up. Stupid kettlebell. My youngest daughter had a real crisis this weekend and called me early Saturday morning. She was really crying and upset. All she said was, "I need you mom." Enough said. Before she got home I went to this little box where I keep scripture cards. I often pull one out and stick it in the kitchen windowsill so I can read it periodically through the day. I went to the Lord in prayer and asked Him to please give me the words and wisdom to speak over this child of mine. How good is God? Very. Very, very. The card I plucked said, " Exodus 15: 2 The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation." The flip side of these scripture cards give you an application of the verse to help. It said, "Lord, order my steps today. Make me strong, not for the sake of possessing strength, but to make me sufficient for the crisis moments in my life and in the lives of others who reach out to me." How precious is that?!! So often I don't look to my heavenly Father for help in even the slightest of things. Life is hard, unfair and grueling. God is good and sufficient.

Bless Y'all,


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