My Babies

My Babies

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just Some Stuff

Hey Y'all!

I was thrilled with the 3 that were chosen for the top 12 on American Idol last night! I love that show. I know some of you think it is shallow and not real important in the big scheme of things, so pray for me and my fellow addicts. I really like the last guy chosen, Danny Gokey. He is a church music leader I just found out on last nights show. A really good singer, I think. Also we watched the fourth dvd in the Esther series from the Bible study we are doing at church last night. I am loving this Beth Moore study more and more (no pun intended)!! It has been so thought provoking and brought things about that time in history that I never realized. Like I had no clue that when Esther called for Mordecai and the other Jews of Susa to fast it was during Passover! Big ole feast time in ancient times! I just never even thought about it on the calendar at all. The truth really came home to me in this segment about our fears. Each week we are given a scenario about "It is tough being a woman in _____________________." Then Beth fills in the blank. Last night was, "It is tough being a woman in the tight fist of fear." I really had to deal with some of my fears later on and today. As devastating as some things really would be the worst thing is that I would die from the result of some fear coming true. Is that really so bad...for the Christian? No. Sure, I would writhe around in absolute heartbreak and pain but.....I will heal to some degree and go on with life. God is the great healer and mender of these things and Satan is the author of fear. I highly reccommend this study. I am headed down to Raleigh, NC to see my baby girl tomorrow and I cannot wait to see that child. She and I are planning a great day of shopping, lunch and just visiting. Hope y'all have a great day too!!

Bless Y'all!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Cleaning my house.....

Today is a holiday (Presidents' Day) so there is no school!!! On Mondays my house is kind of in a wreck so today would be ideal to clean and straighten it up. Did I ever mention my allergies to housework? I really should be in an institution or group home at the least. Anyway, cleaning house always makes me go into a kind of praying and/or talking with God mood. I am usually alone when these tasks fall upon our home. Imagine that ladies? So what better time to also clean the "spiritual house"? This year I have resolved to keep short tabs with God on my behavior, attitudes and issues. I am such a control freak (Tracy, pay attention) that I also want to bring many others behaviors, issues and the like to God while I am at it. This is not my job. It is Gods' job through the Holy Spirit. I can bring their names up to God over and over and over. My concerns and cares about them, but it really is not my job to tell God how they need fixin'. Nothing would please my bossy mind more than to have the world I live in live like I want them to live. Notice, I said "the world I live in"? It is small and minute in the big scheme of things but I would love to be the Queen of that little world! I am learning that God will and can use all crisis of our lives to draw us closer to Him. To depend on Him for every and all things. He commands us to "Cast ALL our cares upon Him." Not just the one we pick and choose. Not just the big ones or the ones we have finally given up on. All. So hard!!! One of my biggest cares is my own home. I so desire many things to be different. Who doesn't? I am not so naive that I think everyone else has a perfect home but I really do think that all women desire certain things in their homes. Not belongings but qualities. So today while I am scrubbing toilets, tubs and doing laundry I will be on my knees cleaning more ways than one.

Bless Y'all


Monday, February 9, 2009

Life...gone to the dogs

Hey Y'all,

Today was an adventure to say the least. I have 2 dogs. Darla, a 12 year old tiny, 4 pound Shi-tzu and Hunter, a 13 year old, overweight (38 pounds) beagle. They give new meaning to high-maintenance. First of all Darla gets me up 2 to 3 times a night to go out to potty. She has a bladder the size of a walnut. She never barks in the house she just tiptoes down the hall and stands at my door and growls until I get up and let her out. I hear her coming because I have only hardwood flooring and her little nails clickety-click on the floor. I also have to go out with her because there is this big ole hoot owl that stalks her and I am afraid it will swoop down and eat her up. If only! Just kidding..... For years she was crate trained but somehow that stopped and now I am doomed. She is worse than a newborn. If I don't get up she will trot right to the dining room and pee right under David's chair. Precious. When I go to work I take her downstairs to the laundry room and basement. We have a finished basement in one half and the other is a combo laundry room, bathroom and storage. For about 4 years I have left her down there from 6:30 in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon when I get home. If she has to go I leave puppy papers down and that works great. The only problem is she does bark when I am not home because she thinks I am home. She is not the brightest of dogs. My husband says he has heard her bark for hours. He works next door and hears her in his landscaping shop and office. Did I mention Darla hates David? The feeling is mutual. They just do not all. Anyway, today when I got home I heard her barking her head off. So when I went downstairs I found her. Somehow she had managed to get her stupid self stuck to the floor with 3 glue traps I had placed under a cabinet. She had 3 paws stuck to the floor and was covered with glue. To remove it was an unreal experience. She is like bathing a rabid rottweiler. She is now hid under a bed exhausted with baby oil all over her little paws. How she managed to get under and back out of that cabinet I will never know. I use those glue traps for spiders and camel crickets that scare me to death. I guess I will just be creeped out from now on. Now for my other dog, Hunter. He is a cancer/stroke survivor that really needs a resthome. He is completely deaf from the stroke and is really weak legged from the removal of a canerous tumor this past fall. Did I mention he has seizures too. Unreal. Today when I got back from an errand he was so excited I was home he went running across the yard. His big belly dragging the ground and of course he fell in a hole with his weak leg. Then he had a seizure which drew him up in a kind of comma shape and then (there is more) he preceded to roll down a small hill in the yard like a donut. Actually it was kind of funny. I stop the car, get out and massage his back until it passes. I fed him and put him up for the night. He was so thankful to go to bed. Pray for them and me! I think I will go to bed too!!

Bless Y'all and your dogs!


Friday, February 6, 2009

It is the weekend!!!!!

Hey Y'all!

This has been one long week. Even though we had one snow day off from school and two days that were on 2 hour delays I am exhausted. I am so looking forward to doing nothing I can't stand it. Of course there is PLENTY to do. Mountains of laundry, groceries to buy, meals to cook, rooms to clean and on and on and on. Wait! Didn't I just do all that stuff like 15 minutes ago??!! It never ends. That may be why I think I am developing an allergy to housework too. Like crafts it seems to be something that must be done often. What I would really like is to live like the Jetsons did. With a practically self-cleaning house. All I ever saw Rosie do was carry a feather duster around. Jane was just the coolest housewife ever to live I think. She even had practically do it your self make-up. And speaking of make-up. I just got some new Bare Minerals in from QVC and I love it! I think my last post said something to the effect that I should look a whole lot younger with all the potions I use on myself. I am working on it girls! As hard as I can! A sweet assistant to today told me my make-up looked really good, so see it is working. I know this is so random in thought and words but that is how tired I am. I think I will rest my wearily eyes before cooking supper and then going to the gym with my daughter for a torture that is indescribable. (exercise) I almost do believe that is a profane word. I am fast becoming allergic to exercise too.

Bless Y'all!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Laughing is just so GOOD!

Hey Y'all,

Last night my oldest daughter,Erica, came home from a date with her fiance early. He is a deputy and had to go in for an extra shift from 10 at night to 3 in the morning. Bless his heart. My youngest, Megan, came home from school unexpectedly so we had a little "girl time." It was hilarious. We were planning music to dance to at Erica and Blake's' wedding coming this October. This turned into quite a difference in music genres to say the least. Both my girls were instructors for the local Cotillion in our area and know a big variety of dances and music. Anything from waltz, foxtrot, shag, line dances, Latin dances, the list goes on and on. I am married to the "white" Michael Jackson. He thinks. My poor guy is a horrible dancer and has no clue about it. David thinks he really has rhythm and soul galore. He does not. We laughed and laughed as we tried to imagine how daddy would dance to every song they picked. Too funny. I am not the greatest but I do know the electric slide, some shag steps and a decent slow waltz...very slow. Thinking about our diverse family and there many quirks we laughed even harder at who would do what who would sit with arms crossed and who would end up singing karaoke even though we are not providing microphones. We selected songs from old Motown, country(Rocky Top is a must for our hillbilly group)some rock and yes even some clean (there are a couple) hip-hop numbers. Erica really wants a fun reception to give her and Blake some lasting memories to tell their children. Laughing with my girls is just so sweet to me. I have spent many nights home with them heavy on my heart. Deep in prayer for them. Often right flat-out on my face before a Holy God. Not so much for any particular activity but more for protection, guidance and conviction when needed in their young lives. I know first hand how hard it is to get back up after a fall and start over. While they were out from my wings away at school I reminded myself and them that they were under the protective wing of God. I asked them not to forget it either. Laughing is just so much better....good medicine. Prayer works ladies. It works. It may be long a time in showing anything but don't quit. Laughter is right around the corner.

Bless Y'all,
